Mama, Papa, Oma & Walter, Tante Ernerl and Company, Tante Frieda, Onkel Peppi, Marika, Elisa, Noor
Karima, Mariella, Matthias, Margret, Inge, Verena, Albina, Christina, Hannah, Wolfi, Katja and the whole bunch from the "Metaller"-Meisterklassen 2010-2014
Erich, Wolfgang, Petra, Manfred, Frau Koss-Würger, Frau Wilding, Frau Steyskal, Frau Volkar-Sorger, Herr Großhaupt
Frau Scheifinger and ALL Teachers of the MHS Ferdinandeum 2000-2004
Musikverein St.Veit-Andritz-Stattegg
Tanja Sattler, Tanja Seidl, Bernd Sommer
Harry B.
Helga, who saved mine and Thranduil's life
all Fans and Point-Donors on DeviantArt
Heidi, Li, Jess, Svetlana, Sarah and Co. for the inspiration and some more grinning wrinkles
all stores at which I ever bought stuff for my costumes
And most of all the creators of the characters without whom Cosplay wouldn't be possible at all.