Going Northwards

As some of you might have noticed already, a lot of love connects me to, i.a., places - many of which I haven't visited yet. And nevertheless I feel drawn to certain places, cultures and more, as though I have grown up there.

Maybe I have, in a former life, but those are things I could tell so much about, this page here would become too full.


One of those connections I have, is to Scotland. The wide heaths - rugged rocks mirroring lochs - unspoiled patches in nature and an in itself old culture, which flares up here and there. Mysteriouss yet graspable.


So, to cope with my propensity to insanity, the clothing mustn't be forgotten. Therefore I had a try on my so far longest straight seam at the edges of a 3,78ft long panel and a traditional Tam O'Shanter(without knowledge of sewing patterns, but simply through inspection, logic, calculation and bits of eagerness to experiment).


Decorate the whole with some accessoires(brooch and spiral-pendant - please  scroll down - self-made) and you got - well - a Whisky-Barrel. XD I admit, the mass of fabric and the view from slightly below does make me appear quite bulky...

Tam O'Shanter

Total "construct"




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