Deku Princess

Majora's Mask

Royal Deku Family, concept art and Deku Princess, ingame model ©Nintendo
Royal Deku Family, concept art and Deku Princess, ingame model ©Nintendo

Royalties don't have it easy. Especially not the young generation. So the Princess of the Dekus residing in Termina's Woodfall is constantly facing her concerned father's stubborn ignorance.


And when she gets kidnapped in addition, he lays blame on; of all; her best friend, a monkey. Will Link manage to save her so she can finally haul her father over the coals?

Costume Status

  • Flower-Jewellery: flowers bought
  • Leaf Ponytail: ponytail done
  • Head mask: very base glued together

Photogallery: Deku Princess - Progress


Leaf Ponytail

Long live the good old technique of finger-crocheting! ^_^

Leaves. Loads of leaves. And shortly after I was done with the base's construction, I ditched the concept and decided for the original, lighter idea with painted yoghurt pots inside the tights. And that's it.

Oh and please ignore the usual bauble with the "organic waste".




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