Founded in 1923 by the brothers Walt and Roy Disney, The Walt Disney Company made significant contributions to the world of cartoons and comics, and was leading in motion picture not long after. Bringing drawn characters to life and this way of art to perfection, they have had a huge impact on many generations.

While nowadays they also focus on producing movies with real actors, animation is still the most prominent genre they work with, never failing to create a wide variety of character personalities and teach about failure/success, the learning processes coming with that, values, moral, true emotions - life in general, packed into appealing characters for mostly children getting more interested in dealing with the matters, and thus, understanding the important things in life from the beginning.

I myself, my childhood having been in the nineties, have grown up with what most people today call the "classic" Disney films.

From the technical point of view: lined 2D comic animation in cell shading/blended cell shading with bright colours for the beautiful aspects and haunting darkness for the evil. A lot of mind wrenching drama and total fun balancing each other. Stories of justice prevailing at last, with a happy end.

From my personal point of view: IT WAS MORE REAL THAN MY ACTUAL LIFE! I had practically lived in all those worlds - don't worry, I haven't gone mad by it. Everything's normal to me. lol
Although today there are different worlds I live in, the principal is the same. Nevertheless I won't forget one of the biggest influences that made me become the artistic person I am.

So I travel back in time, and become again, a Disney heroine...or hero...or maybe even one of the bad guys...


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